October 2020

The corresponding order was signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.

“The list includes 29 border checkpoints. In particular, these are international airports in Belgorod, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara and St. Petersburg,” the Cabinet of Ministers said on its website.

October 2020

The competition is held in the following categories:

 1) The best drawing on the topic: “What I would like to visit in the Republic of Tatarstan”.

 2) The best culture-related rout.

 3) The best excursion tour by types of tourism by sections:

a rout of rural tourism

a rout of ethno-tourism

a rout of active tourism and leisure

a rout of gastronomic tourism.


4) The best project in the area of tourism.


5) The best video-excursion.

Information about the competition

October 2020

About 20 thousand spectators has visited the Festival of Medieval Battle "The Great Bolgar” for the time of its holding, the organizers report.

The event took place the last week-end, 26-27 September, in the Bulgarian State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. This year the organizers have made entry to the festival free of charge. The festival involved thematic areas arranged by the organizers, including a tiltyard, a trade fair of medieval crafts and artisanal handicraft, a space for master classes, a gastronomic area, an area for concert and medieval dances, performance of folk music groups and a “historical camp”.

September 2020

Over two days the guests of the region will visit oil facilities: the Training Center for Tatneft, where they will see the whole process of oil extraction and treatment at the Plant of Complete Cycle Processes. On the second day, they can visit Oil Museum Park in Leninogorsk district and see the running beam-pumped well of the Romashkinskoye field and the monument for discoverers of oil in Tartary.

In your spare time you may choose an activity of your preference: stay at Shugurovo and go through quest “How to get out of the deserted mine gallery” or go to Almetyevsk for excursion around the hosiery factory Alsu. Ethnography lovers may visit a ceremonial fest “Chuvash wedding”. Families with children will be happy to go to ostrich farm in the village of Kulsharipovo.

You can find all details on booking at

September 2020

On 29 September, three-day course “Three Pillars of the Catering Trade” is to start in Kazan with support from the Tourism State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Training will be held in the Center of Modern Culture “Smena” by three main modules: management, marketing and staff management.

If you have any questions on participation, feel free to contact us at 8 - 917-883-67-31 or 8 - 987-297-71-77


September 2020

Dear collegueslleagues!

On behalf of the Tourism State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I congratulate the residents and the guests of our Republic, the representatives of the tourism industry, the professors and students of the specialized institutes of higher education with the World Tourism Day!

This year we celebrate our professional holiday in the difficult for the whole industry time. However, I want to wish that even this period of hardship would become the time of new discoveries and opportunities.

Now Russian residents choose the journey to Tatarstan as an alternative to the trips to European countries, and those who have already been to us, come again and advise their friends to visit our Republic.

All this has been made possible thanks to the real professionals — the workers of the tourism industry of the Republic, who are ready to provide for our guests with comfortable and safe leisure. With all my heart I want to say thank you for your labor! I’m sure that together we will overcome all challenges.

 The tourism industry of Tatarstan many times proved that it is capable to find resources even in the most difficult time. For instance, this year in spite of pandemic, we managed to launch weekly weekend trips “1001 delights over the week-end” in the Republic. The trips allow to visit eight routs, including Bolgar, Yelabuga, Kama Ustye, Rybnaya Sloboda, Chistopol, Mamadysh, Bogatye Saby and Kukmor. This anti-crisis program has been created to make individual trips of locals around Tatarstan popular, however, could attract attention of guests from other regions.

I wish business achievements and unquenchable energy for new horizons to all workers of the tourism industry, and rich emotions and unforgettable experience for tourists. Let your love for travel will never fade away. See you in Tatarstan!

The ceremony of tourism workers awarding took place in the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan

Today, the high-profile ceremony for the awarding of tourism industry workers of the Republic of Tatarstan, confined to the World Tourism Day took place in the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The State Committee for Tourism honored those who connected his or her professional life with tourism and works for the development and prosperity of the Republic of Tatarstan. The ceremony commenced with the welcome speech of the Chairman of the Tourism State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan Mr. Sergey Ivanov.

“This year has become a serious challenge for the tourism industry, but at the same time, we see that people went to travel to those places and regions, which were left unattended earlier. I consider that the tourism industry of the Republic has coped with the difficult challenge with flying colors. You have proved once again that the workers of the tourism industry of the Republic are ready to provide for our guests with comfortable and safe leisure under any conditions. With all my heart I want to say thank you for your labor!

September 2020

A tour around the Arsky District of Tatarstan supplemented the “1001 delights over the week-end” project.

The tour program includes an excursion to the Gabdulla Tukay Literary Museum and Memorial Complex and a walk around the interactive park of old and new Tartarian fairy tales “The Forest of Miracles”.


September 2020

Tourism is one of economy sectors, most affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

The summer period demonstrates the growth of the tourist flow to the Republic of Tatarstan as compared to the previous months of 2020.

At the same time, the refusal of many Russians of trips even within the country significantly affected the number of visitors of the main tourist centers of Tatarstan: the tourist flow for June-August 2020 shows the decline by 42.5 % as compared to the same period of 2019.

September 2020

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 774 dated 02.09.2020 “On introduction of changes in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 208 dated 19.03.2020 “On Measures to Prevent the Spread of the New Coronavirus Infection in Tatarstan” in the Republic of Tatarstan:

the permissible number of banquets participants in patios and verandas has been increased from 50 persons to 100 persons; the permissible occupancy of tribunes has been increased from 25 % to 50 %.

September 2020

In view of renewal of tourist trips to the Republic of Turkey, we remind you of necessity to adhere to sanitary and epidemiological norms and regulations developed by the Turkish authorities as well as requirements, established by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Officer of the Russian Federation No. 22 dated 27.07.2020 for the tourists, returning to the Russian Federation.

Upon return to the Russian Federation, you have to:

fill in a questionnaire for a person, entering the territory of the Russian Federation, on the Single Portal for Central and Local Government Services (hereinafter referred to as the EPGU) in electronic form “Registration of persons entering the Russian Federation” before departure to the Russian Federation (when acquiring a ticket, but not later than flight check-in); take a PCR-based test for COVID-19 within three calendar days of entry to the Russian Federation and download the information about the results of the PCR-based tests for COVID-19 to the EPGU, having completed the form Provision of Information about the Results of Test for New Coronavirus Infection for Persons Entering the Russian Federation; in case of any health worsening within 14 calendar days upon arrival to the territory of the Russian Federation, immediately seek medical assistance at the place of residence (staying), not attending medical organizations.

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