September 2020

In view of renewal of tourist trips to the Republic of Turkey, we remind you of necessity to adhere to sanitary and epidemiological norms and regulations developed by the Turkish authorities as well as requirements, established by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Officer of the Russian Federation No. 22 dated 27.07.2020 for the tourists, returning to the Russian Federation.

Upon return to the Russian Federation, you have to:

fill in a questionnaire for a person, entering the territory of the Russian Federation, on the Single Portal for Central and Local Government Services (hereinafter referred to as the EPGU) in electronic form “Registration of persons entering the Russian Federation” before departure to the Russian Federation (when acquiring a ticket, but not later than flight check-in); take a PCR-based test for COVID-19 within three calendar days of entry to the Russian Federation and download the information about the results of the PCR-based tests for COVID-19 to the EPGU, having completed the form Provision of Information about the Results of Test for New Coronavirus Infection for Persons Entering the Russian Federation; in case of any health worsening within 14 calendar days upon arrival to the territory of the Russian Federation, immediately seek medical assistance at the place of residence (staying), not attending medical organizations.

April 2019

The state Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on tourism is the Executive body of the state power of the Republic of Tatarstan of inter-sectoral competence, carrying out functions on public administration in the sphere of tourism and on inter-sectoral interaction, coordination of actions with the ministries and departments of the Republic of Tatarstan for the development of the tourism industry and hospitality.

The number of tourists in the Republic of Tatarstan shows the annual growth in average 9%. At the end of 2018 the Republic of Tatarstan was visited by more than 3.4 million tourists from Russia and other countries, while it was 2.2 million people in 2013.

Special attention is paid to the development of tourist centers of the Republic of Tatarstan – Kazan, the Great Bolgar, the island-town of Sviiazhsk, Elabuga, Chistopol, Tetiush. Tourist flow in 2018 to the main tourist centers of the Republic in comparison with 2013 increased by 2.4 times.

Kazan Kremlin. In 2013 1 215 059 people visited it, in 2018 it was visited by 2.5 times more tourists - 2 928 900.

Over the past five years the Great Bolgar and the island-town of Sviiazhsk have become real centers of the world tourism.

Great Bolgar in 2013 welcomed 92 872 thousand people, and in 2018 Bolgar was visited by 501 122 people, an increase constitutes almost 2.5 times.

The island-town of Sviiazhsk in 2013 was visited by 108 412 tourists, in 2018 by 510 855 tourists. Increase is almost by 3 times.

Following the meeting of the Council on personnel policy under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, it was decided to place 15 civil servants on the Electronic Honor Board in 2019. The leading consultant of the Department of development and implementation of state programs of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on tourism Nailia Skvortsova was listed among the best.

February 2019

As part of the work of Methodical Council of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Tourism on assisting in personnel training in the tourism industry, the Association of hotels of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan hold meetings of teachers of educational institutions with representatives of the leading hotels of Kazan (on a separate schedule).

On February 13, teachers visited the Courtyard by Marriott Kazan Kremlin hotel, where a workshop "One day in the life of an international hotel chain. Successful adaptation of new employees" was held. Natalia Osipova, Director General of the Courtyard by Marriott Kazan Kremlin told about and showed the work of the hotel of international level, and the HR Manager of the hotel told how the admission of new employees to the team is held.

Such meetings will be held on a regular basis and on February 14 will be a visit to the Raymond hotel. The Hotel Manager will conduct a tour, tell about the work of the hotel and methods of attracting guests.

On February 12-15, 2019 the Republic of Tatarstan takes part in “Tehran International Tourism Expo” international tourism exhibition.

The Republic of Tatarstan is represented at the exhibition by “Visit Tatarstan” individual stand. During the work Sergei Ivanov, the Chairman of the State Committee on Tourism, holds talks with Iranian tour operators working on the Russian direction.

Particular attention is paid to the promotion of direct flights Tehran-Kazan (airline “ATA Airlines”) opened in September 2018.

“ATA Airlines” Iranian airline is a subsidiary of "Daric" investment group (Iran).

Direct flights are operated once a week on Thursdays, the cost of a round trip is from $ 200 (15,000 rubles), travel time – 3 hours 20 minutes.

“Tehran International Tourism Expo” international tourism exhibition in Tehran is considered to be one of the largest events in the country aimed at the development of the tourism industry, and is actively supported by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Every year the exhibition is attended by about 500 exhibitors from more than 20 countries, the event is attended by more than 200 thousand people.

February 2019

Today, Kazan National Research Technological University with the assistance of the State Committee on Tourism hosted the II All-Russian Service, Tourism and Hotel Activity Olympiad among schoolchildren of 7-11 grades, students of secondary and higher educational institutions.

At the opening of the Olympiad Anastasia Sofina, Head of the Tourism Industry Development Department of the State Committee, made a welcoming speech.

The Olympiad was held on-site and virtually at two sites of educational institutions: for schoolchildren - in Kazan City Center of Gifted Children, for students - in Kazan National Research Technological University.

Representatives of 76 subjects of the Russian Federation took part in the Olympiad. In 2019, more than 3,000 schoolchildren and students from 132 Higher Educational Institutions, 81 Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions and 216 Secondary Schools took part in the Olympiad.

The providers of the All-Russian Olympiad are also: “Kazan National Research Technological University” Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Tourism, Tatarstan Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society and Kazan City Center of Gifted Children.

January 2019
Wednesday accommodation booking service on January 30, the day of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden has interviewed tourists on social networks and found out the most popular fairy-tale characters.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden from Tatarstan have won the third place (4%).

According to the survey of 88% of the respondents have voted for Father Frost from Velikii Ustiug and the Snow Maiden.

The Russian Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are recognized as the most beloved characters.

Also respondents mentioned Talvi Ukko and Lumikka from the Republic of Kareliia and Hel Muchi and Iur Pike from the Chuvash Republic – 2.5% for each.


January 2019

On the 16 of February Kysh Batyr festival will be held in the Great Bolgar, in the Tatar language it means "The hero of winter".

The main point at the event will be open competitions in sports and historical or modern biathlon, applications for which can be submitted by anyone. In addition, the spectators will see knight’s battles held by the war-historical clubs of Tatarstan and ski multiathlon with stops for archery, javelin, axe and stone throwing.

Traditionally, the festival will be held in the medieval entourage, among the knights in armor and craftsmen on the background of the museum and historical complex of the ancient city.

The entrance is free for spectators, the participants need to register in the group in "Vkontakte". There will be a parking place, a food zone and strip malls of folk art crafts on the territory of the festival.

Event program

The central platform (the ski track)

11: 00 – start of the competition. Modern skis nomination.

13: 00 – start of the competition. Historic multiathlon nomination.

14: 30 – Awarding ceremony.

Medieval camp platform

11:00 — 15:00:

- blacksmith and leather workshop;

- armory and wardrobe;

- crossbow and throwing shooting range;

- children's fortress and children's jousting;

- interactive platforms;

- power contests;

- heroic tilt-yard;

Farce platform

11:00 — 15:00:

- performance of musical and theatrical groups, demonstrations of clubs of historical reconstruction and artistic fencing.

Fair platform

11:00 — 15:00:

Strip malls of folk art crafts and historical fair.

Historical cuisine platform

11:00 — 15:00

Historical kitchen platform

January 2019

Today in the auditorium of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of the Kazan (Volga) Federal University a Board meeting on "The results of work of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on tourism in 2018 and the tasks for 2019" was held with the participation of Koniushkov Aleksei Alekseevich, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for tourism, and Mukhametshin Farid Khairullovich, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The main speaker was Sergei Ivanov, the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on tourism. Supporting speakers were: Dilbar Sadykova, Director General of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center of development of tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan" – the report on «Implementation of special projects of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center of development of tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan" in 2018», Bashirova Iulia, Director General of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Assembly of tourist volunteers of the Republic of Tatarstan" - the report on "Implementation of projects of the Assembly of tourist volunteers of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2018",  Kotdusov Gabdelakhmat, Head of a farming enterprise - the report on "Implementation of  the preliminary cluster of rural tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan".

In his report Sergei Ivanov told about the development of the tourism industry in Tatarstan in 2018.

December 2018

On December 6 the Federation Council held a round table on "Topical issues of the application of e-visas for foreign citizens staying in the Russian Federation and improvement of the legislation in this area". 

The event was organized by the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building, the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security. The meeting was attended by Valerii Riazanskii, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Liudmila Bokova, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building, Vladimir Dzhabarov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Aleksandr Rakitin, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Igor Fomin, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Sergei Tsekov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, as well as representatives of regional executive authorities, heads of federal and regional ministries and departments, representatives of the scientific and expert community.

Sergei Ivanov made a report on "Simplification of the visa regime as the main driver of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation".

"In general, the continuous growth of the global tourist flow has been going on for 8 years in a row, - said Sergei Ivanov, - according to a joint study by Ernst & Young, Russia ranks fifth among the most interesting tourist destinations for foreign tourists, but the potential of Russia as a tourist destination is not fully used.

At the same time, neighboring states have embarked on the path of active attraction of foreign tourists. Thus, in Georgia it was decided to cancel visas for the citizens of 104 countries, including the EU and the USA. As a result, in 2016 the number of foreign visitors in Georgia was 19% more". Sergei Ivanov continued: "Now the Russian citizens can freely visit 113 countries: Russians can travel to these countries "without visas" or receive visas right at the airport. There are also 11 countries that issue e-visas to the Russians. At the same time, citizens of only 36 countries can enter Russia without a visa. Among them: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Guyana, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominica, Cuba, Mauritius and other not rich countries.

On July 6, 2018 an agreement on the mutual abolition of visas for the citizens of the UAE and Russia was signed in Kazan, but this agreement still has not entered into force. Intergovernmental agreements on visa-free group travels have been signed with Iran and China, but the agreement with Iran is currently not valid."

The participants of the round table discussed the current practice of issuing e-visas to foreign citizens staying in Russia, the prospects of its extension to a greater number of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, as well as the expansion of the list of states whose citizens could receive e-visas. The issues of improving the legislation in this sphere were also touched upon.

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