The results of the Hospitable Kazan project have been summed up

13 September 2024, Friday

For the 15th year in a row, the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Tourism, together with the ANCO "Assembly of Tourist Volunteers of the Republic of Tatarstan", has conducted an information project "Hospitable Kazan" for the comfort of tourists. During the three summer months, tourist volunteers worked in the busiest points of the city and told the guests about the sights of Tatarstan, advised on where to go on an excursion, where to try Tatar cuisine and answered many other questions. Over the summer, about 45 thousand tourists asked for help from the volunteers.

The volunteers worked in the branded information tents of Visit Tatarstan, installed in the most popular tourist locations of the city of Kazan – on May 1 square, near the clock of Bauman Street and on the square in front of Galiasgar Kamal theater.

Within the framework of this project, students of specialized faculties informed tourists about the sights of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan, helped to navigate the city, and also provided free tourist maps of Kazan, Veliky Bolgar and the island-city of Sviyazhsk, issued in 3 languages – Russian, Tatar and English.

Such consultations are traditionally in high demand among the guests of the city – from June 1 to August 31, about 45 thousand tourists turned to the tents. The top Russian cities from which these guests came included Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Makhachkala, Novosibirsk. Foreign tourists, who were told about Tatarstan by the volunteers, came to us from Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Germany, France, Egypt, Spain, Portugal, Georgia, India, China, Great Britain, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, etc.

The Hospitable Kazan project promotes the involvement of young people in the tourism sector and helps to improve the quality of tourist information services, which meets the goals and objectives of the national project "Tourism and the Hospitality Industry".

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