Journalists arrived in Tatarstan on the new M-12 highway

13 September 2024, Friday

On September 10-14, 2024, the Eurasian Community of Travel Industry Specialists (ECOT), with the support of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Tourism, is holding a car rally – press tour along the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan – Moscow for 12 journalists from federal publications such as RIA Novosti, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Argumenty I Fakty, Interfax, etc.

The partners of the event are EXEED cars and the Sun Siyam Resort hotel chain. During the press tour, the participants test the possibilities of traveling around Russia by car, namely the possibilities of roadside service, accessibility of attractions and the comfort of the infrastructure of the regions located along the M-12 Vostok highway.

The journalists arrived in Tatarstan on September 11 and stay here in a new comfortable 3A hotel located on the M-7 highway. Before that, the tour participants had already visited Nizhny Novgorod, where they got acquainted with the main sights.

On September 12, Anastasia Sofina, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, presented the tourism potential and opportunities for road travelers in the Republic of Tatarstan to journalists at the Osinovo campsite. Andrey Varlamov, the owner of Osinovo, spoke about the unique experience of creating a camping complex for road travelers and camper van travelers.

After the presentation, the journalists had a sightseeing tour of Kazan with a visit to the UNESCO site "Kazan Kremlin", the Old Tatar Settlement and the Tugan Avylym national complex.

The development of auto tourism and the creation of comfortable conditions for traveling by car is one of the priorities of the national project "Tourism and the Hospitality Industry".

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