An Apple Feast of the Saviour will be held in the Kama Estuary in August

31 July 2024, Wednesday

On August 17, the museum and folklore festival "Apple Feast of the Saviour " will be held in the village of Krasnovidovo in the Kamsko-Ustinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

At the Apple Feast of the Saviour festival, you will be able to immerse yourself in the world of literature, folk music, delicious food and the amazing atmosphere of the Russian village. Guests will be greeted with cheerful songs, a variety of treats, fragrant tea and golden honey.

The festival program includes tea parties in the museum garden with a samovar and jam, master classes in folk and applied arts, a fair of craftsmen's products, walking tours of the village and an exhibition of family heirlooms of residents, as well as performances by folklore groups.

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