The Tatarstan State Counselor has met with the volunteers of "Assembly of tourist volunteers of the Republic of Tatarstan" ANO (Anonymous Noncommercial Organization) in the Kazan Kremlin.

27 September 2018, Thursday

Today the Executive body of the Kazan Kremlin holds the meeting of the Tatarstan State Counsellor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Republican Fund "Revival" of Mintimer Shaimiev with the volunteers of "Assembly of tourist volunteers of the Republic of Tatarstan" ANO.

Mintimer Shaimiev began the meeting, which gathered more than a hundred of activists of the volunteer movement in the Republic, with congratulations of the participants of the volunteer movement, of Sergey Ivanov, the head of the State Committee of Tatarstan for Tourism on the professional holiday – the Day of tourist. Damir Fattakhov, the Minister of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan, Irada Ayupova, the Minister of culture of the Republic and Tatiana Larionova, the Executive Director of the Fund "Revival" joined to the congratulations.

"You are the guys who do this important and necessary job from your heart and for people's pleasure. Volunteering is wonderful for everybody, for the whole society. And for each of you it is a path to success" –  said Mintimer Shaimiev.

State Counselor pointed that in modern Russia the volunteer movement emerged for the first time in Tatarstan. And such a branch as tourist volunteering also emerged here. Today, young men and women in bright, noticeable clothes, ready to tell visitors about attractions almost in every language of the world and ready to give guidance are an integral part of the tourism industry in the region.

"Your movement is a tourism niche, it is more stable, more permanent in comparison with other branches of volunteering. While there is always something new in the industry. You are one of the best in the country, and this leadership, this niche is not to concede to anyone. But for you it is necessary to develop constantly: to study the history of the peoples of the region, places, objects" – said Mintimer Shaimiev.

It is necessary to pay attention to the study of languages. In the future young people of Tatarstan should graduate from school knowing at least three languages – is confident Shaimiev. Such knowledge will be useful even for those who don't plan to be a volunteer.

Shaimiev mentioned the bright work of the Tatarstan volunteers during the recent World Football Cup, where many of the foreign guests came not only for games but also in order to get acquainted with the history and culture of Russia and Tatarstan. He highly appreciated the Hospitable Kazan project. The tourist flow to the Republic has been constantly growing. Only in 2017 the region was visited by three million visitors. Every third visited Bolgar and Sviyazhsk.

One of the proposals mentioned by Julia Bashirova, the Director General of the "Assembly of tourist volunteers of the Republic of Tatarstan" ANO is related to all three territories of Tatarstan – Kazan, Bolgar and Sviyazhsk – where there are the monuments protected by UNESCO. Volunteers are ready not only to help the guests coming there, but also to question them, forming the portraits of interests and preferences. In the future this should help in the creation of new tourist routes.

In general, the tourist branch of the volunteer movement of the Republic has developed strong business relationships with the tourist industry. Guides are happy to share their experience and knowledge with the youth. The study visits of the objects, which then volunteers tell the region guests about, are organized.

Ksenia Zvereva, a volunteer student from Elabuga has proposed the creation of a fundamentally new for Russia branch of volunteering: student tourist labor groups. And these groups will be able to work not only seasonally, but all year round which is especially acute considering the fact that the guests from all over Russia and from abroad travel to Tatarstan in autumn and during the winter holidays.

The representatives of national authorities supported both of these ideas and other proposals of volunteers mentioned during the meeting. The job is really necessary and useful as the development of the volunteer movement in general.

"Very much has been achieved, but we are still not quite satisfied with our results. Not because something is bad. We just cannot stop and rest on our laurels. It is important to strain after self-improvement constantly, to create something, to adopt experience from others, to learn and to remain leaders" –  summed up the results of the meeting Mintimer Shaimiev.

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